St. Cronan's Boys' National School

Green Schools Programme

Green Schools Programme

St. Cronan’s has been involved in the An Taisce Green Schools (which is known internationally as Eco-Schools) programme. We are very proud to have earned six separate Green Flags to date, for our work in the following areas:

  • Litter & Waste - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • Energy - Conserving Energy
  • Water - Water Conservation
  • Transport - Promoting Sustainable Transport Modes
  • Green Home
  • Biodiversity

We take part in Walk On Wednesday regularly. This is aimed at providing a safe route and car-free route to school for our pupils, and reduce the traffic in the environs of the school. We endeavour to keep our school and grounds as tidy and litter-free as possible. This Litter Patrol is overseen by the members of our very active Green Committee. They also look after composting in each classroom, keep classes up to date, maintain an eye on energy conservation in the school, and update the Green Schools noticeboards.

The Green Schools Programme in St. Cronan's was overseen for many years by Mr Mícheál Ó Murchú, and we are very appreciative of the huge amount of time and effort that he put into keeping our school green.


One element of engaging the pupils in a Green theme is composing slogans. Here are some written by our pupils, that have been adopted by the school:

  • Recycling: Keep it clean, keep it green!
  • Energy Conservation: Energy, energy it’s the best. Save some, save some, for the rest!
  • Water Conservation: Water, water everywhere - Not unless we Conserve and Care!
  • Eco-Travel: Be Eco Friendly, Be Cool. Walk, Cycle or Bus it to School!
  • Biodiversity: All Plants and Animals live together, Biodiversity is needed forever!

Bithéagsúlacht ag teastáil go deo,Chun Plandaí agus ainmhíthe a choiméad beo!

St. Cronan's Green Code:

In St. Cronan's we:

  • Recycle ink cartridges, batteries and stamps.
  • Compost our fruit.
  • Don't litter.
  • Eat healthy lunches.
  • Turn off the lights and conserve electricity.
  • Close doors.
  • Don't waste water.
  • Encourage walking & cycling
  • Promote biodiversity.
Aug 29
School Reopens
Oct 28
Mid-Term Break - School Closed
Nov 04
School Reopens
Dec 20
Christmas Holidays - Half Day @ 11.50am
Third and Fourth Classes plant a hazel sapling to celebrate National Tree Day 2023.
Vevay Crescent, Vevay Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow, A98 NW42 Roll No. 16872A
01 286 0440
© 2024 St. Cronan's Boys' National School