Our school has a very long history in Bray.....
1820: These cottages on Seapoint Road are believed to be the site of the first Bray Male and Female Parochial Schools. They opened on the 20th July 1820 and the boys stayed in these premises until 1880.
1880: An increase in pupil numbers lead to the school moving to new premises beside Holy Redeemer Church in October 1880. The name changed to Bray Boys' School and the building is now known as The Little Flower Hall.
1932:Bray Male School moved again. This time, the school found a new home in a fine building on the Vevay Hill. The school also changed it's name to "St. Cronan's Boys National School".
1999: The construction of a new school building within the existing grounds started in 1998 and St. Cronan's moved into the new building on the 2nd November 1999. The official opening of the school took place on 18th June 2001. After this move to the new school building in Vevay Crescent, Gaelscoil Uí Chéadaigh took up residence in the schoolhouse on the Vevay Hill.